I'm Trilingual :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

“Not All...But A Good Majority Of Black Men Are Dogs”

I was just reading through a discussion on Facebook Mostly about Interracial relationships dealing with the black men… It was a very good and productive discussion, many different points of views…. But ONE thing that Really Really bothered me was one of the comments one of the young ladies made. She basically stated that “not all...but a good majority of black men are Dogs” Neat less to say that this particular young lady’s race was not black and she came to this conclusion based on her dating history…???

Now I myself cannot comment on all the Black men in the US, 1. Because I’m personally not from here and 2. I have not been trough them all lol But what I can say is that I have found my soul mate in the US, He is a Black man and the Sweetest, Nicest, And Most Romantic Person I know! And where I come from Black men are not stereotyped and talked about as in the US…They are leaders, Rulers of our land and part of the household….

But I’m not going to sit here and say that from what I’ve seen so far while living in the US, That all black men are this or that…But what I will say is that there are a lot of stereo types going around and there isn’t much done about it either…Why not proof em wrong??? (Both Black men and women have really bad stereo types.) But I also Do not believe that all of this should have been a Race issue…Men will be Men no matter the Race and so will women!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"I Am The Queen Of The Fairies"...

I’m A Bold, Active Girl, Who Likes To Lead,

And Also A Friend With A Good Human Spirit,

Who Also Happens To Be A Generous Giver.

My Origins are German, Swahili, Hebrew, Dutch,

Russian, African, American, and Surinameese.

Be Very Careful what u name your Children...:)

Latanya Means- Queen Of The Fairies. Origin: Russian,
In America Origin: African American

Latanja Means- "BOLD" Person- A Bold, Active Girl, Who Likes To Lead
Origin: Russian, In Suriname Origin: Dutch

Stiner- Family Name Origin: German

Karimu Means- Generous; Giving Origin: Swahili

Ruth Means- Friend; Friendship, Representation: Human spirit,
Origin: Hebrew

The meanings of Hebrew names can almost tell the whole story by themselves. They give insight to the hidden meaning of the allegory. For example: Ruth means "friendship." She represents our spirit which is the only part of man which can respond to God's offer of friendship through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Good Morning, How are You Doing Today???

The most famous words you will ever hear on a daily basis

But what do you say when your whole world is falling apart???

When all the odds are facing against you

And in the back of your mind, you are even in dough

You feel like Shit and your life is a complete mess

What do you say???

You say that I am Excellent! Better than I have ever been

Because I believe in the Most High God

Because believing in God Does not start when you can see the light

It starts when u can’t see the light at all

When you are so deep in your situation that coming out of it is close to impossible!

Because “when you’re down to nothing God is up to something

The Faithful See The Invisible, Believe the Incredible & Then Receive the Impossible”

~ Unknown

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Am Latanya Karimu Ruth Stiner!!!

You will see me...

You will hear my voice...

And you will know who I am...

Whether you like me or not...

Agree with me or Disagree with me...

You will know who I am...

Mark this Day...

Mark my Words...

I Am Latanya Karimu Ruth Stiner!!!

U Cant keep a Strong Woman Of God Down!!!

Wednesday July 7, 2010

Joyce C. Ester, PhD
Assistant Vice President for Judicial Affairs

Dear Ms. Ester:

After our meeting on Tuesday July 6, 2010, I was very devastated. I felt worse than I did before. So to end this devastation, I’m writing this letter is to confirm a few things.

1. I feel betrayed! This incident was told to Kizzy Lopez in confidence after she saw the scars on my neck, hand and missing finger nail. No one at the office even knew I had a bad night the day before because I came to work and engaged in a professional manner.

2. I feel Set up! One moment I’m talking to Kizzy in confidence and the next moment according to my knowledge I was supposed to take a walk with her to cool off a bit. And the next thing I know I’m sitting in a room with two Police officers, The Dean of Student Affairs, Ms. Carolyn Coon and Kizzy Lopez. Because according to Maxine McDonald this was the best thing to do after Kizzy asked permission for her to go for a walk with me.

3. And Last, My rights have been violated! While sitting in the room with four higher authorities I felt obligated to speak. I didn’t feel as if I had another choice. My Miranda Rights were also not read to me. I was told that they were only there to help and minimize the conflict between Jenica Wilson and me.

And the next thing I know, I’m being prosecuted and on the verge of being put on probation, which will ruin my changes of ever attending the law schools of my choice. (Howard, Harvard, Yale, etc) The one thing that I life for, that I look forward too, that I’m still in this country for.
It has not been easy living here. Being different and alienated because of that. Americans are not too welcoming of outsiders and they make that clear and known. If you want to fit into their society, you have to speak, act and dress like they do. But either way you look at it I am still a US citizen and have these rights. And my Miranda rights were Violated during this process.
A copy of the Miranda Rights under the US-Constitution may be obtained via the Internet at the following address: http://www.expertlaw.com/library/criminal/miranda_rights.html

Also, I do not believe that you can really understand where I am coming from just by reading a poem, so I have took the liberty to give you my blog address. I believe this way you will have a much better understanding about me and where I am coming from. http://latanyakarimuruthstiner.blogspot.com
And last, I did mean it when I said I’m going to law school. Where I come from you say what you mean, and you mean what you say.

Latanya Stiner

“I am as Strong as a Rock! This world CANNOT shake nor move me. My destiny is written in Stone and there is nothing that can keep a strong Woman of God Down.”

Dear Latanya

From: Latanya
To: Latanya
Dear Latanya;

In the end you did your dirt and allegedly put yourself in this situation.
No good deed goes unnoticed and no bad one goes unpunished.
You will pay the consequences! You might end up loosing everything!
But you’re not dead!
So apparently God still has some use for your sorry ass!
Go ahead and pick up your face, dignity and pride.
O' Don’t u feel stupid! Ha!
Learn from the mistakes you’ve made and move on!
And stop being sooo damm emotional and nice!
You do not have to please every one!
And u damm sure can’t help everyone!
The bible doesn’t say that Jesus walked the earth and healed the entire earth
and made all the blind see???…
So neither can you!
Because if He did, than we wouldn’t be in the situations we are in today???…
Let God deal with all the tings that are out of your control.
And u need to take full control over your own life,
because in the end you are in it by yourself.
The party people are only seasonal,
loved ones; mentors and friends are only part time.
But u are in it full time, all the time!
And the punishment and grieving always comes individually!
Do not allow anyone to make something of you that you are not.
You know who you are and life up to that person to the fullest extend!
Get your life together. It’s about that time…

Say what you mean and mean what you say!
Latanya Karimu Ruth Stiner

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Let Go! & Life!

You probably heard one too many times that life is too short and you have to life everyday as if it were your last?, And not to bother with the small stuff?
But today I will tell you from a personal point of view why you should Let Go! & Life!

You cannot fully life, until you let go

Letting go might seem like the hardest part, but it’s not

Letting go of all the ones who hurt you, betrayed you,
And stabbed you in the back
Might seem impossible to do, but it’s not

Letting go is the first step, Living life comes after
I let go of all the ones who hurt me!
I let go off all the ones who betrayed me!
I let go of all the ones who stabbed me in the back!

I’m letting go because I want to life
Hearing my soul cry out because my heart is weak
Filled with Pain and Sorrow

I’m letting go because I want to life
Feeling my knees get weak and shaking
Taken over by my grudges

I’m letting go because I want to life
Seeing the life that I want to life
Not too far into the future

I’m letting go because I want to life
Smelling the sweet smell of victory
Living my life to the fullest

I’m letting go because I want to life
Tasting the fruits of my labor

I’m letting go because I want to life
Because living my life is all I want to do

I’m letting go because I want to life
Life! And let Go!

A Lost Soul was Found Today

Today is the day that I’ve returned home to my Father
I’ve been gone for quite some time now
Dwelling in this world, becoming a part of its very existence
Wanting to belong, be loved, and popular
I can’t lie; It’s a nice feeling, and very addictive!
Wanting more and more each day
When does it end? Where does it stop?
Where do you draw the line before falling over board?
Looking for that Never Ending Satisfaction
Still nowhere to be found
Everywhere I go, I still feel empty,
Knowing that something Big is missing
Thinking that I will find it tomorrow;
At that other party-The big one, With the other guy-The Cute one,
With this outfit-The sexy one, Or at the club-The new one
No it has to be with this New Car, or this New hair Cut
Endless thoughts running through my mind
While plotting my next move to finding that Never Ending Satisfaction
After each new mission comes a new disappointment
I’m still not satisfied!
I feel even worse than I did the night before
And not to mention STUPID!
What am I doing wrong?
I was positive that this time, This would work?
While I’m over here stressing my brain
On how to belong, be loved, and popular
I forgot about everything else that really mattered
My attitude has changed; My school work has suffered,
And my new outlook on life is pointless
As a Lost Soul I dwell the streets of this earth
Still looking and searching for that Never Ending Satisfaction
Will it be here today, Or maybe Tomorrow???
The Suspense is driving me crazy!
I need it; I gotta have it right now!!!
I can’t take this anymore!
I need You! I need You! I need You
I submit myself to You; I offer my every being to You
I can’t do this anymore, I’m done playing games
I Need that Never Ending Satisfaction
That ONLY You Lord can provide
Only You Lord can proscribe
I Need You Lord
I need You!
I need You!


Why do you always have to do this!

Messing with my head, telling me all the things you know I want to hear!

He loves me, You do not know him like I do, We are soul mates, We will be together,

He will come around soon- you’ll see, He’s just going through some things right now….

Dwelling on the past, the good old days,

Mesmerized with who he used to be, but isn’t anymore

People change, we all do

Some for the better and Others for the worse!

Do not lie to me!

Do not tell me all the things you know I want to hear!

Because the only thing worse! Then you lying to me,

Is me lying to myself!

Do not lie to me!


Wanting something you know you need is the hardest thing ever!

Not knowing how to get it frustrates and scares away

I know what I want! I know what I need!

But I’m scared! Sacred to death!

Will I disappoint or let down the One counting on me?

Will I make all the right choices?

I just want Him to be proud of me

Because letting God down is my biggest fear!

I know what I want! I know what I need!

I Want to fulfill Gods every command

And I Need him to be with me through it all

Because with God I’m invincible

I’m as strong as a Rock!

And this world cannot shake nor move me!

Whenever my heart is struggling with defeat!

The Lord says: You will not let Me down nor disappoint Me

Your destiny is written in stone; no man can break nor change it!

I know what I want! I know what I need!

I Want God to be my everything

I Need Him to be my heart beat and the air that I breathe,

But most importantly, the life that I live,

He is my everything!