I'm Trilingual :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Piece of Mind!

Sitting here being as pissed off as a human being should never ever be! Thinking and plotting my life into ruins, What should I do with all this anger??? Exactly what I always do. Write poetry… Poetry to me calms the soul down and brings inner and outer piece to oneself. It puts things into a much better perspective and allows for re-evaluation of the entire situation. You get to see both sides and points of views, but most importantly make peace with yourself and allowing yourself to move on from the situation.

My soul cries because my heart is weak!
Taken over by my flesh,
All I feel is the joy of revenge and hate in my heart
Knowing that nothing good will come of it
If I only could get a few seconds of revenge
Just to see the look on her face!
The look of defeat and pain!
But then what?
Ruin my life for good?
I don’t think so!
It took long enough for me to get to this point in my life
And hard enough for me
To fight these demons within; Anger, hate and Revenge!
I have found inner piece
Knowing that there is no greater love
Than the love of God
An unconditional love that can conquer all evil
I forgive myself because it takes two to tango
And I forgive my opponent
Because I want back what’s rightfully mine
Piece of mind
I need my joy and happiness to move on passed this incident
She no longer controls my destiny
I am Latanya Stiner Karimu Ruth
And I declare this day victorious!
Because I have defeated yet another great battle in counting…
Now let the hard and “never ending”
Healing process begin :)

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